You can bring the powerful principles of Oh, shift! to teens!
By becoming a licensed Oh, shift! Facilitator, you will be equipped to empower young people to make positive choices that help them reach their goals and see real substantial changes in their lives. Whether you are a non-profit, school or government agency with a mission to help and grow others, we want to support you in the work you're doing.
Specifically designed for after-school and at-risk youth programs, the Oh, shift! for Teens Workshop Kit will boost teens' self-esteem, enhance their decision making skills, and show them how to deal with stress and peer-pressure. The catchy title and language support immediate teen buy-in, making them more engaged...and your job easier.
The Oh, shift! for Teens Workshop Kit is an out-of-the-box self-development program ready to be incorporated into your education and training repertoire. You get everything you need to deliver six powerful modules that are guaranteed to change lives.
1 Oh, shift! Facilitator License: Gives one individual full rights to teach the program within your organization over and over.
Six 45-60 minute print-on-demand modules: These participant worksheets are designed to be delivered independently or in combination.
Facilitator Guide Binder: 72 pages of step-by-step instructions, suggested timing, coaching prompts, tips and more! Easy to use, right out of the box.
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AN EXCERPTSupporting Documents: Print-on-demand supplemental materials right at your fingertips.
NOTE: No books or workbooks required. Your Facilitator Guide is delivered virtually and all the participant worksheets and supporting documents are digitally downloaded onto your computer, ready to be used again and again.
Designed to be flexible, the kit allows you to deliver several modules at once , or space them out over many weeks to teach at your own pace.
Self-awareness: Teach them to build self-awareness to better understand who they are and what makes them tick, so they can more easily fine-tune their clock.
Oh, shift!: Show them how to use their words to create their reality in AND out of work. This one is a game-changer.
Flow: Help them practice acceptance of themselves, their circumstances, and other people so they spend less time in resistance and more time in the state of peace and harmony.
Change: Guide them as they discover why creating positive change is difficult, even when they really want it. Change isn't easy, but understanding what keeps them stuck is so helpful.
Reactions: Teach them to recognize that things don't happen to them, things just happen. But it's how they react to those things that gives them the control they yearn for.
Personal Power: Help them understand that they are not victims of other people, events, the system, or fate. But instead they can choose to be victors by holding themselves accountable for their feelings, actions, and choices.
Got questions? We’ve got answers. Contact us at info@ohshift.com